Finding Motivation and Purpose, 8,293 Miles from Home

Adjusting to a new time zone, adapting to a new culture, and living without a church family has put a strain on my body, mind, and soul. At first, my adrenaline kept me racing through each day. I was so excited to be in a new place with wonderful people, fascinating labs, and wild monkeys that I failed to take care of myself.

In a matter of days, I was physically sick, mentally exhausted from lab days, and extremely confused about my purpose here in India. As I found out, 8,293 miles from home is a weird place to realize you don’t know who you are.

After a week, I decided that I needed to be more intentional about my physical, mental, and spiritual health. So, I outlined three goals (plus a bonus challenge) to improve the health of my body, mind, and soul during the month of July.

Body: Stretch and/or exercise every day


After losing so much weight while I was sick, I want to rebuild my body in a healthy way. On campus, we have a fantastic trail (see photo gallery) that I am hoping to run around in addition to my other routine.

Also, I have been intentional about ensuring that I have protein at every meal because about half of the population is vegetarian in India. Before I flew off to India, I purchased the largest jar of peanut butter I could find. After 14 days of adding peanut butter to almost every meal, I have eaten a fourth of the jar.

Mind: Practice Hindi or Spanish for 20 minutes every day

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While I have been able to pick up a few Hindi words at work, I want to form a habit of practicing my new words everyday.

A few words I have already learned are:

नमस्ते (namaste)- hello

हाँ (haan)- yes

आपका नाम क्या है (aapaka naam kya hai)- What is your name?

In addition to learning a new language, I do not want to lose my progress in Spanish. So, I will practice my Spanish vocabulary alongside my Hindi vocabulary and, hopefully, I will not get them mixed together.

Soul: Journal every day

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Journaling is one of my favorite ways to talk to God. For years, my journal has been a special place for me to see on paper what is going on in my heart. Some people write praise songs; others go on nature walks; I journal.

In the last two weeks, everything in my world has changed. The community that I grew up in for the last 17 years is suddenly on the other side of the globe; my health is unreliable; and I am moving one hour away from the company on Sunday.

Jesus is the only one who has not changed. During my time in India, Jesus has continued to be my Rock – the One I can always go to at any time. When I spend time with Him, I am reminded that my season in India is not purposeless, but is a time that God is using.

Since my plane touched down on the Delhi Airport runway, I have only journaled twice. Every day in July, I want to write out my thoughts to Jesus and process every new, exciting, or confusing thing with Him.

Extra: The “Only Two” Challenge

Have you ever been multitasking with a gazillion and 1 tabs open, switching to a new page each time your other page is loading? I do this all. the. time.

While some people may be able to accomplish their tasks by jumping from one to another, I have learned that I cannot. With too many tasks at once, I end up with a lot of half-done and quickly forgotten projects.

When I realized this about myself, I checked my work computer. Just as I had expected, I had 14 tabs open on my desktop, and three projects-in-progress. On my phone, I had countless apps running and two emails that had been started, but were never completed.

After my desktop tabs and my phone apps, I investigated my phone’s browser. I have a bad habit of leaving tabs open on my phone after I search. To my absolute shock, I had 71 tabs open!

Obviously, I had a problem of doing too many tasks at once.

To curb my multitasking that causes me to forget responsibilities and produce second-rate work, I challenged myself to go one month with only two tabs/apps open at one time.

With this method, I can focus on one task at a time while having the option of utilising another tab to assist. For example, when I created my photo gallery, I needed my Google Photos tab open to move pictures over to my WordPress tab.

Additionally, I hope that this challenge will help my devices operate more quickly. Now that I have cleared 71 tabs off my phone, I bet that it will perform much better!

What physical, mental, or spiritual health goals do you have for July?

How many tabs do you have open right now?

Tell me about it in the comments below!


4 thoughts on “Finding Motivation and Purpose, 8,293 Miles from Home

  1. Relax…let go of all your expectations of India…and just be…
    “Be still and know that I am God.”
    Praying that you will be satisfied in the stillness of His presence…PEACE…PEACE…PEACE…
    It is in the quiet and the gentle breeze that He often speaks to us…
    Praying that your eyes and ears will be opened to see and hear all that the Lord has for you in this season…
    Maybe, it is not what you can do for India, but what India can do for you?
    Don’t be afraid to open your heart to receive all that Abba has to offer you through India…breath deep…take it all in…you will see Jesus in the most unexpected places…Only then, will you be able to give something back…
    Remember… don’t do… just be…
    Most importantly!!! Pray the blood of JESUS everywhere you go…in every room… when you are walking…ask Jesus to wash you in His blood… put on the full armor…and pray at all times…invite the presence of God in every room you are in!!! There is victory in Jesus!!!


  2. Lord Jeaus, I pray that Rebekah would continue to look to you as her source when times get lonely and tough. Help her to sense your present in every moment of her life. Keep her strong in her faith. Remind her that you have begun a good work in her, and you will complete it.
    Love and prayers always.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are so wise to formulate a definite plan for various aspects of your life! Being disciplined and purposeful will truly help you feel healthier, stronger, and more capable to face each day. Of course, relying on your Rock is the best plan of all! Keep sharing your thoughts and experiences; I love reading all of them!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have “open tab” issues, too!

    I really like your plan for July…and am so very glad you know Jesus is everywhere! Knowing you know this gives much peace to your family! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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